State-level technological initiatives
One of the declared aims of the Lower Saxony administration is to promote innovative advances. To this end, its Ministry of Economic Affairs, Employment and Transport is launching state-level initiatives in areas of activity that hold particular importance and promise for the federal state's economic development. These initiatives are set up in those fields where a future trend to this effect is discernible, where markets show clear movement in this direction, and where there is existing potential.
These initiatives are drawn up for a limited period, usually for an initial duration of three years. Following evaluation by Innovationszentrum Niedersachsen GmbH, a decision is taken on whether to extend this term. During this period, the state government funds an office and provides a budget from which innovative projects are financed.
The idea behind these schemes is to bring together within a network the relevant scientific institutions and businesses in a given sector. The remit of these initiatives involves:
- keeping network partners informed about the latest trends, developments and means of funding;
- initiating cooperative ventures and innovation projects at EU, national and federal-state level;
- public-relations work and marketing Lower Saxony as an attractive location.
The current state-level initiatives are in:
- adaptronics;
- fuel cell and battery technology;
- healthcare management – Life Sciences Niedersachsen;
- microsystem technology;
- nano-innovations and materials innovations;
- telematics;
- satellite navigation (GAUSS);
- the food industry;
- logistics;
- the aerospace industry, Niedersachsen Aviation.